Hot Day For A Kill

Following my previous post, these are a few (same) images with a different approach.

If you visit this blog for the first time, you’ll very likely see this post first …

It was a harsh and hot day and we did the shot exclusively outside with the sun high in the sky. Big thanks to the team and the crew for their professionalism. It was hot but w had really good fun (man, the food was awesome. I wish I took some take away home … )

Please bear in mind that no body got hurt during the shoot and these images have been captured with professionals with all necessary security measures.

Don’t try this at home 🙂

Tech infos:

Nikon D3s, Canon 7D and Canon 5D Mark II

Off camera flashes triggered with RadioPoppers (SB800, SB900 and 580 EX II)

PS: I just noticed that in this series, Andy is almost the victim ...

Sorry man, I’ll fix it soon 🙂

Big thanks to Mr. Ponds for allowing us to shoot in his awesome property.




Rockstar, Royalty & Mom

Vicky is a well know figure in the wedding industry in Canberra and also a friend.

I can still recall when shooting each bridal parade at each wedding fair (Your Local Wedding Guide Canberra) people just wait for the Rockstar & Royalty Couture Collection.

It’s a feast for the eyes and all brides’ dream.

Lucky are those who booked early because is expecting baby girl by April 1st.

I had the joy to shoot some of Vicky’s creations and have posted a few here.

Today, I had another joy to shoot the Star herself.We set up a small studio within Vicky’s workshop and had really good fun during the shoot.

Discover the beauty behind the talent. Vicky Kidd-Gallichan. Creator of Rockstar & Royalty Couture

All the best Vicky.

Photo by Thierry. 2010

Click “Read more …” below to see more photos.

Continue reading “Rockstar, Royalty & Mom”

Mayu & Radek. The Wedding

As mentioned in a previous teaser, this was a particular wedding for me to shoot:

Mayu & Radek won one of my major sponsor prizes last year during the Your Local Wedding Guide – Wedding Fair.

(if you’re a bride to be, come and see us at the next expo, sometimes in august, and get a chance to win one of these awesome prizes)

OK, back to Mayu & Radek Wedding. It was a Japanese-Polish wedding and I’d say that I had real fun to capture.

The bridal party was really awesome and fun.

Needless to mention that during a Japanese wedding, I am not the ONLY photographer on the “set”

Be sure to click “Read more…” below to load the images (28 photos). Please be patient as I always put the biggest size possible to give you the best viewing experience.

Congratulations again for the newly wed couple.

Photo by Thierry

Photographers. Bride & Groom on the way out

Click “Read more…” below to load (28) images !

Continue reading “Mayu & Radek. The Wedding”

Mayu & Radek

It was another awesome wedding that I had the joy to capture last Saturday.

The lovely Japanese bride Mayu said “Yes” to handsome Polish groom Radek.

Here is their first image and more to come.


It was a cloudy day when I scouted around The Rocks in Sydney for me next wedding.

Some places around town are natural backdrops for weddings and special events.

I got my old and trustworthy Canon 5D and a Carl Zeiss lens.