Mel & Ewen. Wedding in Wollongong

Lovely couple in some lovely locations around Wollongong.

I captured this wedding of Melissa & Ewen Cameron last Friday in Wollongong.

We had a good time, the weather was perfect and I also discovered some really nice local traditions “traditions” …

Here is the first set of some images of Mel & Ewen’s Day

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Makeup Slapped On By Dave

From a recent shoot with one of the most talented makeup artist David REID from

A short video as a teaser of the behind the scene of a big show.


Photo shoot with DAVE (my favorite makeup artist) @ ATON’S hair salon.

The models (Haley Roach here with DAVE) are getting ready for a show later on, a fundraising event for breast cancer.

Camera Canon 7D. Lens Canon TS-E 24 mm f/3.5 L II

Video by Thierry

We Are Wedding Photographers


From a recent trip to Wollongong for a wedding, I took a few images of some iconic locations.

For my weddings, I usually scout the locations and plan the scene and imagine how to place my bride and groom to create some nice images for their album or enlargements.

Most of the time, I also prepare a back up plan for the “what if” situations.

Well, for this particular wedding of Melissa & Ewen, and especially because of the time allocated for the wedding, we didn’t have enough time to capture these locations including the bride an groom (these images have been taken at 10 PM the night before) and I left the Wedding Ceremony at about 9:30PM after a 10 hour coverage.

Fortunately, as mentioned, I had some back up plans which allowed us to have some other nice images for the couple.

Images from the wedding coming soon.

Congratulations again for Melissa & Ewen.


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Elizabeth Payne & Sam Rooney Part II

I finally found sometime in today’s heavy time table to seat down and play around with some images from the shoot yesterday with Sam and Elizabeth.

Even the lighting was set up with care, I found that I still need sometime behind the computer to add my personal touch for each individual images, also I wanted to create some new effects.

Shooting in ruins can be interesting but the post process can be really time consuming as the idea is to keep all the details of the background, including crap and dust 🙂

Here are a few more.


Models: Elizabeth Payne & Sam Rooney

Makeup by Elizabeth Payne

Hair by Sheryn O’Connor. Hair in the City

Camera: Canon 7D

Two light set up (Canon 580 EX )

Off camera flash with RadioPoppers

Photo by Thierry. Nomad Studio

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Elizabeth Payne & Sam Rooney. Impossible Triangle

I know Elizabeth for a while in the virtual world and finally IRL (In Real Life) for a shoot together.

Elizabeth is one of the girls that know what they want and know what to do to achieve it.

It was really easy to shoot with her as she has a lot of experience and very easy to direct. I just needed to give her an idea of a story and she would know how to make it work. That’s really awesome and we had lots of fun.

Liz came along with the athletic Sam Rooney who is starting out an inspiring modeling career. Being with a model (Elizabeth) and willing to get out there, Sam put a lot of effort into the shoot and the photos came out very nice.

We also had Katrina Lewis who stopped by for a few shots with us.

Models: Elizabeth Payne, Katrina Lewis and Sam Rooney

Elizabeth and Katrina wear their own makeup.

Elizabeth’s hair is done by Sheryn O’Connor from Hair in The City

Nomad Studio

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