Winter in the park

Who’d have thought that I’d be outside such often during winter.

I spent so much time outside that I even forgot to blog and put up some new stuffs. Promised, I’ll get back behind the keyboard soon.

These are a fewphotos from a recent shot with Rachelle. My hat off for Rachelle, who braved the cold, and posed for me in really thin coats.

There was a double purpose for this shoot, Rachelle’s portfolio and, as a dual system shooter, I wanted to put my gears in real shooting situation tests:

I packed my 2 Canon 5D Mark II and my Nikon D700 along with their famous 70-200 f2.8 L/ED IS/VR USM/AF-S.

I will be posting a full report on this particular dual system shoot in a next post, so stick around.

These are a few images from the shoot. Scroll down for a behind-the-scene video.

Photo by Thierry
Photo by Thierry

Continue reading “Winter in the park”

Autumn leaves

It is a beautiful season now in Canberra where trees are losing their leaves and the landscape is showing off some amazing colours.
Between two assignment, I stopped by the parliamentary square for a break and couldn’t resist to snap a few images.
Beautiful colours and a very peaceful quietness in the middle of a week day afternoon.

Photos taken with a Nikon D700. Enjoy.

Photo by Thierry
Photo by Thierry

Continue reading “Autumn leaves”

Street B&W

I used to travel a lot and always carry my camera with me all the time.

I find that with digital photography, more and more people can afford to buy a camera, which is really awesome but the downside of it is it is more and more difficult to actually take photos in the street.

We are definitely far from the time of Cartier Henry Bresson when pointing a lens to some one was not that “a big deal”.

Here is a capture of a Brisbane wedding gown shop. I was walking in the gallery when I spotted the dress. I stopped and waited for the moment.

Photo by Thierry
Photo by Thierry


Once in a while, I dedicate a full wedding in pure Black & White imagery.

This is not normally something requested by my Bride and Groom but just by personal choice and style.

Unlike post processing colour images,  Black & White processing requires more time and they also require particular attention to detail at the time of capture.

I do not simply convert images in to B&W for the sake of having a few black and whites photos for my couple.

Enjoy this serie. More to come …

Photo by Thierry -

Photo by Thierry -

Photo by Thierry -

Photo by Thierry -

Photo by Thierry -

Photo by Thierry -

Photo by Thierry -

Photo by Thierry -