Tilt – Shift Lenses. A New Perspective

I  am always on the look out for new techniques and equipments for my wedding photography work and recently fell in love with some of Canon wildest lenses: the tilt-shift lenses.

For my birthday, my lovely wife offered my the newly redesigned Canon TS-E 24 mm f/3.5 L II and I’d say that it is one of my most beloved lenses in my L series collection of Canon lenses.

Unlike what these lenses are originally designed for (architecture and table top photography) I have used my TS-E lens for wedding. It is amazing how these lenses introduce a new perspective in the wedding photography world. I am now able to control my depth of field at any aperture.

The TS-E 24 mm f/3.5 L II is not only the sharpest 24 mm lens, even wide opened, it is also the most beautiful in design.

Using the TS-E lenses will take you away from your habits, especially the focus and recompose attitude. Yes, this lens is manual focus only and when tilted, you have to compose and then focus or recomposing will change your focus plane and the image will be completely different from what it is intended for.

I had a chance to test drive the TS-E 90 mm f/2.8 (special thank to Paul @ CPS, Canon Professional Services Australia, and Greg @ Ted’s Camera Canberra). This lens was designed back in the early 90’s but are still amazing to use. I played around in the Civic with it on a Canon 5D Mark II body.

Because TS-E lenses are manual focus, you need a big and bright viewfinder in order to get great result.

The TS-E 90 mm f/2.8 is also a near macro lens so it is really interesting to use for details shots, especially for jewelery, ring shots.

Here are a few frames with the Canon TS=-E 90 mm f/2.8

This band was performing in the City Walk and I stopped by to buy one of their CDs.

Canon TS-E 90 mm f/2.8 - Photo by Thierry

Tilted on left

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Winnie & Salman. Traditions and Cultures

I had the immense joy to photograph Winnie and Salman’s Wedding last Saturday and I’d say that everything exceeded my expectations.

Before the Wedding, I’ve met several times with the young couple to discuss about their wedding photography and I’d say that I came up knowing them a little bit.

I always like to know my Bride and Groom a bit before the wedding so I can “blend in” during the day.

With Winnie and Salman, it was different. There was so much emotion and generosity during this 12 hours + Wedding Day and I found out that there are so much to learn from each different culture and when they come together, it’s just awesome.

Here are a few images from this incredible Saturday Wedding at the Hyatt in Canberra.

Bridal Shoes

Guest's Box


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Beaujolais Nouveau and The Blues

Last night, following a french tradition on the third Thursday of November, was the tasting of the Beaujolais Nouveau 2009 at the Alliance Francaise in Canberra.

The Beaujolais Nouveau is a special wine to be consumed young. Each year, it has a particular fruit flavour and this year, after the first sip, there is a perfume of strawberries and banana.

It was a double occasion as we had a live performance by Henri Pavadoni, the original guitarist of the band The Police. Band formed in 1976.

French tradition oblige, we had good wine, good (french) food and good music.

What else can one expect ?

Photo by Thierry

Photo by Thierry

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Bridal Magazine Shoot. Your Local Wedding Guide ed. 2010

Once again NOMAD PHOTOGRAPHY did the bridal shoot for the designer gowns to feature in the next Your Local Wedding Guide Canberra Magazine, edition 2010.

We had a full day shoot with two gorgeous models, Emma Wannell and Jordan Cohayney, at the fabulous Realm Hotel in Barton.

The artistic team from Your Local Wedding Guide Brisbane, Michael and Lyn, flew down the day before, to over see the shoot.

The make up was performed by Melissa Delfino (makeupmel.com.au) and we also had the lovely Jenny to help the girls with the gowns.

The magazine will be launched at the Canberra Wedding Fair next February so come and see us there.

It was a really exciting shoot and we are starting to select the shots that will feature in the magazine.

I can of course not put up any photo here before the publication of the magazine so you’ll have to wait for the Guide to come out :).

At the mean time, here is the family portrait of the shoot.

Thank you again Lyn and Michael and Your Local Wedding Guide to trust in our photography artistry. We’ll see you next year.

Your Local Wedding Guide photo shoot in Canberra. Photo by Thierry. NOMAD PHOTOGRAPHY

Flagrant Delit

A hotel room. Two people. A hundred reasons not to be there.

This is a model shoot with two friends model, Iulia Lungu and Shane Foreman, last Saturday at the Hyatt in Canberra.

I had a quick chat with Iulia during the week about the shoot and we talked about various themes but haven’t decided what to shoot. I usually chose a location and a theme for the shoot but really like the intrigue of the unknown and also improvise on the set.

This shoot was all but predictable. First I wanted a dark scene where the couple would be really “uncomfortable” for shooting and I planned to push them to the limits… 🙂

Well, we started quite late, around 8pm, so they had dinner before hand :)… Not easy to put the models in uncomfortable situations and positions with their stomachs full. Isn’t it ?

Hummm, I must admit that they did pretty well actually. Ther was no precise theme and I decided to improvise as I didn’t know how the room looked like.

The scene is set and I started shooting from the hall way.

Here is the first set: Flagrant Delit. Debut d’une serie noire.

Flagrant Delit by Thierry NGUYEN CUU

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