Bridal Magazine Shoot. Your Local Wedding Guide ed. 2010

Once again NOMAD PHOTOGRAPHY did the bridal shoot for the designer gowns to feature in the next Your Local Wedding Guide Canberra Magazine, edition 2010.

We had a full day shoot with two gorgeous models, Emma Wannell and Jordan Cohayney, at the fabulous Realm Hotel in Barton.

The artistic team from Your Local Wedding Guide Brisbane, Michael and Lyn, flew down the day before, to over see the shoot.

The make up was performed by Melissa Delfino ( and we also had the lovely Jenny to help the girls with the gowns.

The magazine will be launched at the Canberra Wedding Fair next February so come and see us there.

It was a really exciting shoot and we are starting to select the shots that will feature in the magazine.

I can of course not put up any photo here before the publication of the magazine so you’ll have to wait for the Guide to come out :).

At the mean time, here is the family portrait of the shoot.

Thank you again Lyn and Michael and Your Local Wedding Guide to trust in our photography artistry. We’ll see you next year.

Your Local Wedding Guide photo shoot in Canberra. Photo by Thierry. NOMAD PHOTOGRAPHY