Hot Day For A Kill

Following my previous post, these are a few (same) images with a different approach.

If you visit this blog for the first time, you’ll very likely see this post first …

It was a harsh and hot day and we did the shot exclusively outside with the sun high in the sky. Big thanks to the team and the crew for their professionalism. It was hot but w had really good fun (man, the food was awesome. I wish I took some take away home … )

Please bear in mind that no body got hurt during the shoot and these images have been captured with professionals with all necessary security measures.

Don’t try this at home 🙂

Tech infos:

Nikon D3s, Canon 7D and Canon 5D Mark II

Off camera flashes triggered with RadioPoppers (SB800, SB900 and 580 EX II)

PS: I just noticed that in this series, Andy is almost the victim ...

Sorry man, I’ll fix it soon 🙂

Big thanks to Mr. Ponds for allowing us to shoot in his awesome property.




Elizabeth Payne & Sam Rooney. Impossible Triangle

I know Elizabeth for a while in the virtual world and finally IRL (In Real Life) for a shoot together.

Elizabeth is one of the girls that know what they want and know what to do to achieve it.

It was really easy to shoot with her as she has a lot of experience and very easy to direct. I just needed to give her an idea of a story and she would know how to make it work. That’s really awesome and we had lots of fun.

Liz came along with the athletic Sam Rooney who is starting out an inspiring modeling career. Being with a model (Elizabeth) and willing to get out there, Sam put a lot of effort into the shoot and the photos came out very nice.

We also had Katrina Lewis who stopped by for a few shots with us.

Models: Elizabeth Payne, Katrina Lewis and Sam Rooney

Elizabeth and Katrina wear their own makeup.

Elizabeth’s hair is done by Sheryn O’Connor from Hair in The City

Nomad Studio

Scroll down for more images.

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