Eddy & Ondine

Once again I flew to Noumea, New Caledonia, to shoot a wedding.

Eddy and Ondine have been friends of mine for some years now and it was really pleasure to be invited to shoot their wedding.

We had it all for this special day: Heavy rain, thunder storm and a bit of sunshine. It was a bit of challenge to deal with the weather but I managed to take control of their “fear” and dragged them out for some photos.

Noumea is renown for it’s history and its lagoon. We didn’t have much options to deal with but we definitely had a good time.

PS: it was a bit of a challenge to go against local habits, especially to when I asked the newly wed to pose next to a pond, crossing a muddy grass just after a heavy rain… but again the results make them happy so…

A few images that I had time to process between to barbies with old friends.

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