Tamsin Starick behind the scene

Following the photoshoot with Tamsin Starick, back in late July, here comes the video of the behind the scene.

As presented in a previous post, Tamsin is a young and talented model in Canberra who is starting a very promising modeling career.

Tamsin is very professional in the way she interacts with the camera.

Check the out the video of the behind the scene on the Nomad Photography channel.

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Haley Roach – Chic & Glams Underground

I “discovered” Haley during the Miss Top Model Finals and I must say that I immediately noticed her in the crowd of models.

Haley has a special look and style that make her stand out from the competition. She is fun and easy going.

Once again I drag a model out to  the cold, I think this shoot was the coldest in the series, but Haley played the game and I’d say that it’s worth it as the images speak fro themselves.

Check this space back, more to come, especially the video of the shoot on Nomad TV.

Model: Haley Roach

MUA: Melissa Mullard

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Tamsin. The Model Mayhem II

As mentioned in a previous post, Tamsin is the featured model for today’s article.

This session was from last Saturday, the day before Miss Top Model.

I have been so busy these last days that I couldn’t maintain my Model session and editing within 3 days as per my normal timing. I hope Tamsin would,’t mind too much.

We had quite a good time shooting together in the ANU areas, Tamsin, Vincent, my brother and I.  I will be posing the behind the scence video (video by Vincent) on the Nomad Photography TV soon.

Enjoy the photos and stay tuned for the next episode featuring Tamsin.

Continue reading “Tamsin. The Model Mayhem II”

Urbaine Glamazones

Une fois n’est pas coutume, cet article est en francais et est relative a une seance photo que j’ai eu la semaine derniere avec deux amies modeles: Rachelle et Emma.

Si vous etes un fidele de mon blog, vous avez du deja vu les articles precedent parlant de ce shoot.

Rien de nouveau ici, si ce n’est la facon d’editer les photo. Ce n’est un secret pour personne, j’aime bien le noir & blanc et j’ai voulu accentue’ le chic et le glamour avec le noir.

Qui a dit que le fshion doit etre chatoyant de couleur avec une tonne de Photoshop? certainement pas moi.

Ces photos ont ete tres legerement retouchees, quelques unes ont eu le traitement d’une texture. Le resultat, je trouve, est tres flatteur pour les modeles mais aussi pour la composition.

J’ai intitule cet article “Urbaine Glamazones” pour evoquer le chic et glamour dans le chaos d’un mur de tag.

Petite note technique: j’ai utilise’ un flash deporte’ sur ces images, actionne’ par un couple de Radio Popper.

J’ai utilise’ essentiellement le Canon 5D Mark III avec l’objectif Canon 70-200 F2.8 IS L USM. J’avais aussi ammene’ un Nikon D700 et l’objectif Nikkor 70-200 F2.8 AF-S VR, mais l’ai tres peu utilise’.

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Models on the top of Canberra

Another shoot in the cold with my favorite model Rachelle and another young and talented model : Emma.

This is the second time that I shoot Rachelle during this winter. Despite the cold, both models showed professionalism and did a really good job.

Once again I put the Canon 5D Mark II and the Nikon D700 to the test and I shot more with the Nikon than the previous shoot.

Both cameras perform beautifully but I still have my preference for the Canon for its bigger file size (more mega pixels) and the color rendition. But again, after post, one can barely tell, especially for web based sizes.

For this shoot, I had the pleasure to have the visit of my Dad. He was “responsible” for my love of photography and it was really cool to have Dad on set.

Check out the behind the scene video under the photos. The video was shot my my brother Vincent. The shoot was on Mt Ainslie in Canberra.


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Winter in the park

Who’d have thought that I’d be outside such often during winter.

I spent so much time outside that I even forgot to blog and put up some new stuffs. Promised, I’ll get back behind the keyboard soon.

These are a fewphotos from a recent shot with Rachelle. My hat off for Rachelle, who braved the cold, and posed for me in really thin coats.

There was a double purpose for this shoot, Rachelle’s portfolio and, as a dual system shooter, I wanted to put my gears in real shooting situation tests:

I packed my 2 Canon 5D Mark II and my Nikon D700 along with their famous 70-200 f2.8 L/ED IS/VR USM/AF-S.

I will be posting a full report on this particular dual system shoot in a next post, so stick around.

These are a few images from the shoot. Scroll down for a behind-the-scene video.

Photo by Thierry
Photo by Thierry

Continue reading “Winter in the park”