Daisy under the star light

I planned this shoot in a park and we ended up shooting in my backyard under the dark sky of autumn in Canberra.

Daisy Milo is a young and gorgeous model from the UK.

We really had good fun during the shoot and we were lucky enough to have the diva of make up, Dave Reid (www.makeupbydave.com) to style Daisy with hair and … make up.

Small teaser about the shoot and find out more about Daisy on her web page: http://www.nomadmodels.com.au/daisy-milo/

Nomad Models Launches Michelle MacDonald

The page featuring Michelle is up on the nomadmodels.com.au website.

I will be posting the video of the behind the scene (BTS) of the shoot, with Robert Coppa as main photographer, Dave Reid as MUA and Biljana Popovska as hair stylist.

Click here to see Michelle’s page

Nomad Models Launched

This blog was a bit of a place where I share my private and professional life and I really enjoy your comments and emails.

Because Nomad Photography is a multi-service studio, we cover events, wedding, portraits, corporate, food, commercials … so I though it was time to give each of our branches their own space.

I will keep posting BTS (behind the scenes,) and technical resources here but will start posting my “finish products” on their own domain.

I’m very happy to announce the release of Nomad Models (http://www.nomadmodels.com.au).

All my modeling photography will be posted there.

Comment and critics are welcome on the new space.

