Aure & Sam

Last week was one of the longest one that I’ve had in a while:
From the launch of the Beaujolais Nouveau 2011, at the Alliance Francaise, on the Thursday, to a wedding location scouting session, on the Friday, then a long but awesome wedding shoot on Saturday followed by a photo shoot for a security company, shooting security staff at night clubs.
On the Sunday we had a Canberra Strobist shoot through out the day and I conclude with a shoot out at Mt Stromlo with one of my new investments: a Mola Setti, satin silver.

Not only I am a bit behind in the edits for past and up coming weddings, I wanted to share some of the images during this Mola shoot.
I had two models, Samantha, the brunette, who already spent the whole day at the Canberra Strobist shoot , and Aurelie, a gorgeous french blonde.
This shoot was set up in less than 3 days (I met Aurelie on Thursday and Sam on Saturday) which shows that real talents are always ready to go 🙂
A special thank to Kate Wal, who drove all the way to Mt Stromlo to do the make up for Aurelie. Also a mega mention to Isma Majeed, who did the make up for Sam which lasted the whole day (Kate did a bit of touch up for Sam’s lips though).

Mega thanks to all involved with a special mention to Linh, my beautiful wife for all her support in what I do.
Let’s make some rooms for some images.

Click Read more below for more images.

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